Lecture Series

Children’s book author Audrey Penn has been visiting schools in the Washington, D.C. area since 1982. Her lecture series became a national education series in 1989.
This highly acclaimed program has brought Ms. Penn – as author, lecturer, and educator – into the lives of thousands of children from kindergarten through college. In addition to her work in public and private schools, Ms. Penn is a participating author and lecturer at the Kennedy Center’s Very Special Arts Festival, and the Reading is Fundamental program, as well as their spin-off reading and writing programs.
In 1996, she was invited to read several of her stories as part of President Bill Clinton’s pre-inauguration festivities. Ms. Penn has also coordinated children’s programs for libraries, hospitals, outdoor education, and numerous children’s book conferences.
By working hand-in-hand with thousands of children, educators, and parents, Ms. Penn has used The Writing Penn series to gain enormous insight into the needs of elementary school children – both from an emotional and educational standpoint. Her professional and personal experience has helped her to identify literary themes of interest to kids of all ages, as well as to confirm children’s fascination with specific topics, characters, plots, writing styles, language, and dialogue.